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How to Choose a Healthy Sweetener for Kids?

It is a world-known fact that excessive sugar can be harmful to the body.

Sugar can depress the immune system and therefore increase the chances of getting ill. Not only this, sugary substances cause a spike in blood sugar levels which can lead to imbalances in the body resulting in health problems like obesity, stress, lack of concentration, anxiety, and more.

Therefore, it is necessary to find healthier ways to add sugar to your diet. Moms especially are on the lookout to incorporate better sweeteners in their child’s daily routine. It can become daunting to choose the correct alternative due to the numerous options available in the market. So, if you are up and willing to buy natural sweeteners online, here are a few options that would make a great choice.

5 Natural Sweeteners to Buy Online for your Kids:

Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup is a natural and healthy sweetener extracted from red or black maple trees. It includes water, calcium, iron, sucrose, and some other elements. The syrup has a unique flavour and is better suited to make homemade delicacies like cakes and cookies. You can find it easily while buying natural sweeteners online.


Honey is one of the oldest natural sweeteners and used by people all over the world. It is famous for its medicinal and healing properties. Not only is it better than most sweeteners, but it is tasty too.

Fructose is a ketonic monosaccharide found in many plants and honey. It has antioxidants that help in lowering blood pressure, while triglycerides in it help in curing cough. 

However, it is advised to not give it to children below the age of one year. Also, while giving it to a child above the age of one year is safe, it is best to use it in moderation.

Mashed Organic Fruit

Using pureed or mashed organic food is another way to replace unwanted sugar and prepare a healthier sweet for your child.

A whole fruit includes fibre and protein. The flesh contains most of its nutritional content that is lost when converted to a liquid form. So, liquefying pieces of fruit is a nutritious way to choose rather than fruit juice.

You can add bananas, cherries, and oranges in muffins. You can also add these to smoothies and pancakes to provide a naturally sweet flavour.

Raisin Syrup

Coming to another natural sweetener, we cannot skip Raisin syrup. If your baby is above 8-10 months of age, you can use this to feed him/ her. However, use a small amount of it in any meal. 

The syrup can be sweeter than sugar. To make it at home, soak raisins for a few hours and blend them to make a thick pulp. Keep it in your refrigerator for two to three days and directly use it in your baby food. 


Molasses is a thick, brown-coloured liquid that tastes sweet. It’s made from boiling down sugar beet or sugarcane juices. You can use it in baking or as an alternative to brown sugar, honey, or maple syrup.


So, these were some of the best alternatives that you can choose if you want to buy natural sweeteners online for your kids. It is easy to restrict the use of sugar in a children’s diet when they are young. It is always better to start early and develop the habits of healthy eating. Introduce natural sugars as they are preferable in the longer run. Eat Healthily! 

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